The commandment of God from the very beginning was that a man should leave his father and mother and cleave unto his wife, and they shall be one flesh. (Gen 2:24).
It would not make sense if Jesus were to break his own commandment, unless there is any evidence to be found that marriage is a "necessary dirty" instituted to keep man from going all wild. The Messiah would not have to obey that kind of commandment.
But there is nothing in the scriptures that portrays marriage as anything but a holy order of God. We still call it "Holy Matrimony" today.
Neither do we find any example of Jesus breaking the laws that he himself gave in the Old Testament times, when he was known as Jehovah.
He was accused of breaking the commandments, but it could always be understood in the light of him breaking a lesser commandment in order to following a higher law.
In a National Geographic program there was a Catholic padre of the sect Opus Dei who emphatically proclaimed that it was blasphemy to suggest that Jesus was married. But he didn't say why it would be blasphemous!
Is marriage immoral in the Catholic view? Wouldn't that make God an accomplice in our immorality, since he gave the commandment? But the Catholic faith is family centered, so it cannot harbor such feelings, surely.
And Jesus called himself the Bridegroom! He couldn't possibly do that if the institution of marriage was filthy. He would have found another metaphor.
Jesus likening himself by the bridegroom doesn't mean that he was a bachelor on earth. No, it meant that he is faithful to the bride, the House of Israel, just as he expects her to be faithful to him (If there are any women preparing to actually marrying him, I'm afraid it is not going to happen)!
Jesus visited weddings, and made them more pleasant to attend. He would not do that if he would be against the institution as such.
But did he get married? We have no record telling us that he did. But sometimes we should look for what is not there, rather than for what is actually there.
At the time of Jesus it would have been absolutely astonishing if an influential Rabbi, such as Jesus, didn't have a wife. It would be so strange that it would have been a part of the recorded history!
If he was married, that would not be written, since it would be like writing that he had fingers on his hands, or that he had legs. But if he was not married at the age of 30...
No, blasphemy is to suggest, or right-out say, that Jesus was promiscuous, or in any way breaking the law of chastity. Further, it would be blasphemy to suggest that Jesus, if he was married, did not have the sense and sensibility to know to keep his private life private.
Now, if Jesus in deed was married, we might get the answer to one interesting question: Why did Mary, the mother of Jesus, ask Jesus to save the wedding where the wine was running out? Why did Jesus take it upon himself to let this be the time to perform his first miracle? Unless Mary was in charge of this wedding, and the groom was no-one else than her son, the carpenter...
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